
Mata Hari | Мата Хари (1996) 480p

| Просмотров:  14 809 | Комментариев: 0

Mata Hari | Мата Хари (1996) 480p
La vera storia della spia piu famosa del secolo. Una donna capace di tutto: Uccidere. Tradire... ma soprattutto di amare, Un film brillante in un susseguirsi di scene ad alto contenuto erotico

Farmer's Daughter And Her Punishment Pony | Дочь Фермера и её Пони Для Наказания (1978) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  17 347 | Комментариев: 0

Farmer's Daughter And Her Punishment Pony | Дочь Фермера и её Пони Для Наказания (1978) HD 1080p
Shot at San Francisco's Kearny Street Cinema, Punishment Pony chronicles a bizarre sexual stageshow.

The Sexualist | Сексуалист (1973) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  13 324 | Комментариев: 0

The Sexualist | Сексуалист (1973) HD 1080p
Dale T. Fuller is the fictional hippie director in The Sexualist who explores every erotic act known to man. Nothing isn't tried, every position, every fantasy, every sex act...and documents every single salacious act!

The Young Like It Hot | Молодым Нравится Погорячее (1983) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  18 749 | Комментариев: 0

The Young Like It Hot | Молодым Нравится Погорячее (1983) HD 1080p
Trouble is brewing at a small town phone help lie. The girls have just found out that they are slated to be replaced by computers. Determined to show their bosses that technology is no match for their skills, they begin offering their callers

Cry For Cindy | Плачь по Синди (1976) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  12 551 | Комментариев: 0

Cry For Cindy | Плачь по Синди (1976) HD 1080p
Cindy is a depressed prostitute. She is doing it to put her boyfriend through med college. He doesn't know how she gets the money. However, one day her boyfriend discovers her at her pimp's pad and the pimp beats him nearly to death. Ashamed of herself and feeling helpless, Cindy kills herself.

Eight Ball | Восьмой Мяч (1972) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  23 260 | Комментариев: 0

Eight Ball | Восьмой Мяч (1972) HD 1080p
A door to door encyclopedia salesman balls the wrong girl and is held as a sex slave.

Come Under My Spell | Попади Под Мои Чары (1979) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  16 704 | Комментариев: 0

Come Under My Spell | Попади Под Мои Чары (1979) HD 1080p
The sexually desperate Fernando is a foreign exchange student taking classes in hip 1970's San Francisco. Surrounded by sexy swingers and even in the free love mecca of Berkely, he is still unable to get some action.

Carnal Haven | Плотская Гавань (1975) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  11 684 | Комментариев: 0

Carnal Haven | Плотская Гавань (1975) HD 1080p
Several couples from different walks of life are having trouble with their sex lives. All of these couples seek treatment from two therapists at a special sex clinic. Sharon Thorpe has the Gypsy Grip!

Star Virgin | Звёздная Дева (1979) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  16 538 | Комментариев: 0

Star Virgin | Звёздная Дева (1979) HD 1080p
All that is left of the human race is Star Virgin, an innocent girl living out her life on a spaceship with her robot companion, Mentor. However, Star Virgin isn't content remaining innocent her entire life and pesters Mentor into teaching her about the origins of life and sex.

Blue Ice | Синий Лёд (1985) HD 1080p

| Просмотров:  16 250 | Комментариев: 0

Blue Ice | Синий Лёд (1985) HD 1080p